Jeff Moulton Paintings


Jeff Moulton (b. 1946) grew up in the northern Chester County, PA communities of Whitford and Exton. After graduating with a BFA degree from Miami University in Ohio, he pursued graduate studies in art at the University of New Mexico. 

Jeff's Art

His medium is primarily oil on canvas, some as large as 72 inches. 

His nature works often explore decay-- the particular look of an old log or the exposed root and earth and tobacco-colored water found along shallow riverbeds. He also explores everyday objects in his still lifes.


His palm paintings were first inspired by visits to his parents home in Naples, Florida. 

Many of his nature scenes were painted at local parks near his home in Maryland and his visits to his vacation home in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York.

Jeff draws inspiration from nature, and his goal is to visit all the great art museums of the world.